~~ Jim Carrey, The Mask
Since Buffy left all her makeup at home today, she is locked away in her office avoiding most human contact. So no visits with the real world regulars today, my friends.
That being said, this past weekend was host to a minor "red carpet" event with a big celebrity draw: the
Teen Choice Awards. What timing for Mrs. Hemsworth to be away! Hunker down cuz this is going to be a long one...
Exhibit A:
Kat Graham (I still don't know who she is...)
Check the neckline - another sad case of inappropriate attempted nude-ity! On the bright side, we can finally rest easy knowing what happened to the tail from
Leona Lewis' horse friend.
And back to the nudity.... Yikes!
Oh hey, did you hear
Kim Kardashian is getting married? (*groan*) From the waist up she totally looks like she just came from a run-through of her wedding hair and makeup. BTW, who is this makeup artist she has who can’t conceal her undereye bags with something that matches the rest of her face?? Fired!
Here she is with her sisters. I’m not really sure what to say about this mashup of looks… Clearly the younger K on the left is the prize pupil, mastering the arts of inappropriate cutouts, scary eye makeup and the death stare. The one on the right needs to shape up.
I can’t even touch Khloe the Harlequin cover model over on the left.
Speaking of models, Ummmm
Tyra....Silk Spectre wants her wardrobe back. (Quick! Who would win this chick fight??)

Yellow appeared to be the colour of the night. Notice how nicely it complements the orange in the skin:

Now I'd like to pause for a moment of pretty.............

Ahhhh. Like a breath of fresh air isn't she?
I may take some heat on this one but I'm actually digging
Avril's look (Although she desperately needs to go back to dark hair). Still with an edge but a little more grown up.

And finally….my most improved player for the evening. Well, it’s a tie. Here’s to Taylor Swift for finally doing something different, but not so drastic that it seems out of character. Not over the moon about the dress but it’s definitely less frock-y and kudos on the hair.

And points to
Blake Lively for finally wearing an appropriate hemline and looking great doing it.
Isn’t this much sexier? And thank goodness she’s blonde again!