This blog began as the outlet of one lowly admin assistant forced to spend two work weeks without her partner in crime! It is now the random musings of 2 admins at work and at play. For the protection of privacy all names have been altered. Witness the madness!
Friday, 24 February 2012
*New Feature: Creepy Clipart
Thursday, 23 February 2012
Function vs. Fashion: Celebrity Style
Why oh why must she wear strappy shoes -- ALL THE TIME! Never mind the fact that in any heel/pump your foot will slide forward and the less structure the more effort it takes to stay in them. Ladies of the jury...Exhibit A:
Reeeeeeal comfortable. Her toes are falling out; her heel out of position (HEY!? Is that a tat on her inner right foot?) You can see the stress in the toes as they desperately cling to the shoe and check out her veins popping from the strain! And this is Jennifer's signature shoe selection. I give you the people's exhibit B thru C:
Now I'm not recommending an Alexa Chung look ...
"Man the desk at all times. Got it."
There are the minor incidents that I call “YOU be the messenger”. You know, the last-minute IMPOSSIBLE requests for you to make something happen that lead to phone calls beginning with “I’m reeeeally sorry to ask you this but…” and “I know you require 48 hours notice but…” and end with “Oh my gosh, you’re an angel” and “Thank you sososososo much. I swear this will never happen again”. This has even resulted in me buying Timbit bribes. I hope the people on the other side of this type of request realize I’m not completely disorganized/impertinent/out of touch with reality. Sometimes these are the result of poor planning and I can sigh and wish my coworker had just mentioned something earlier, but sometimes things really do come up last minute. I get that. That is necessary ass-ness.
Wednesday, 8 February 2012
Is Rihanna Channeling Taylor Momsen?
And is Taylor Momsen channeling Satan?!
In the skewed line of's some other blondes Rihanna may be "channelling"
Saturday, 4 February 2012
"All Aboard!! Hahahahah!"
Our readership is growing -- to a staggering 3 people! Possibly 4. With the promise of more readers!
Could it be that people really want to read what we have to say? Could it be we're that in touch and relevant? Could it be our biting satire and rapier wit are comic genius?
Or more likely we have great friends who don't know how to let us down easy and decline our invitation to read so they just go with it! :P
To welcome my latest invite I've decided to take a trip down hilarious, ghetto, memory lane. Someone we both know and love is 5 months run and tell that homeboy!