Friday, 13 April 2012

You won't like me when I'm angry. Because I always back up my rage with facts and documented sources."

 - The Credible Hulk.  (I found this gem of a quote online....classic!)

So faithful readers...I've started my unofficial countdown to checking out my husband on the big screen.
May the 4th be with me as I attempt to check out the Avengers!!!  Don't be mad know how crazy excited I am.

As one critic tweeted after the L.A. Premier --
"Absolutely loved THE AVENGERS," tweeted Collider's Steven Weintraub. "Was smiling from beginning to end. If you're a Marvel fan you're going to lose your shit in the theatre."

I'm already losing my shit just waiting to lose my shit!!!!!!!!!  Can't remember being this excited for anything.  It's like the culmination of my excitement for all the other Marvel movies leading up to this.  I saw another quote that said Avengers = believe the hype! I do!!!!!  Plus the myriad of different trailers I've scoped on the internet just adds fuel to my fire!

If I'm absent for a few days on the first weekend in know where I am!