Friday, 22 February 2013

" A, B, C, D, E, F, G...."

~~~ the Alphabet song

Another submission of : Shiz my officemate says...

Direct quote to a manager:
"....she found spelling mistakes.  I didn't go through it to check the spelling because...I didn't really know what it should say..."


Thursday, 7 February 2013


~~ Scorpion from the movie, Mortal Kombat

Just for you B!  Welcome back!!!  Remember when you asked if you could bring me back anything and I said no?  Yeah I meant this! :P

Widespread panic has gripped the mothership -- contingency plans have been put in place.  Me? I'm heading to a hockey game on my way home and totally not worrying about anything.  Gotta love city living!  One snow flake and they're calling the National Guard.