Thursday, 26 May 2011

Work Day 2: Post 1 -- "Listen! I smell something"~~

~~ Bill Murray as Dr. Peter Venkman, in Ghostbusters

Let's begin at the beginning....
I'd been an admin assistant for almost 5 years and returned from a mat leave to find a great friend I had worked with in another department had join admin ranks and started about a week after my return and her office was right around the corner from mine!!!  Let's call her Buffy!
Ahhh the adventures we've had!  From random sightings turning into deliberate stalkings of Tightpants to the fashion atrocities we've witnessed and critiqued from visitors and employees alike!
Now I find myself alone.  Yes it's only for 2 weeks...but my daily injection is gone.  Surfing the usual sites and making catty remarks alone is unfulfilling -- and a little crazy.

So I turn to the internet as my outlet.  And I know you're reading Buffy! No really....I actually signed you up to get emails everytime I post.  You're welcome! :P

Now, on to business....
Here's a recap of yesterday's bizarre happenings that I directly attribute to you not being at work
  1. Diman rode the bus completely alone!! With no women to chat up he actually fell asleep and almost missed his stop
  2. Baryshnikov cut his hair!!!!  I snapped a pic for you.  Somehow...his head looks even bigger without the muppet that was his hair
  3. I bought an extra large 3x3 coffee and a donut -- so I'll be a completely unrecognizable tub of lard by the time you return
  4. A random crazy dude was commenting while I played TikiTotems2 on my phone, then laid a sulphurous egg and fled the scene of his crime; leaving the rest of us gasping for breath!!!

In the world of fashion... (Photos courtesy of

Don't -- Jessica Biel missing two important accessories - a pot of gold and little green hat ( thoughtfully provided by me)
Can you say "Top of the mornin' to ya!"

Do-- Sarah Michelle Gellar-Prinze - looking great


  1. This is the best blog ever!

  2. Stay tuned faithful reader!! There's more crazy where this came from!!!
