~~ Any garden variety Ringmaster
That's right!!! The circus is in town!!!
Come marvel at the 40 year old woman who dresses like a 14 year old! See the granny boots, paired with a pencil skirt to the knee and and trendy patterned tights inspired by an old English tapestry. Marvel at the grey capelet sweater and the white rose hair pins holding back her center parted bangs.
Step right up and see the Cowardly Court Jester! Cowardly because she wore the shortest, faded, cut off jean shorts she could find under her purple shirt dress with sheer lace detailing over the shoulders. Put on your glasses kids and take another look! She's paired said partially sheer purple shirt dress, with a neon yellow "belt", brown, Oxford granny booties, a white bra, a bright blue tank top (both peeking out from under the sheer purple lace) and the best part -- bi-coloured pantyhose!! That's right! One leg acid green and the other leg neon blue! And yes...their semi-opaque -- hence the cut of shorts that are completely covered by the shirt dress until she sat down!
Ladies and gentlemen behold our strong man! He has to be if he managed to button his shirt which is so damn tight over his belly, it's giving him the most amazing posture!!!!
Come visit our breezeway and don't be fooled -- that's not an unfolded circus tent with an entrance and an exit! It's our old fortune teller and vendor of questionable wear. And those are intentional openings in the back showing off her overtanned and wrinkled physique and black bra strap!
Step right up! Five dollars gives you a chance to guess what synthetic material the stuff she's selling is made of!!!
Ho-monid Maximus and Glamazon!!
What a rare treat! Glamazon was actually not looking bad...but given her track record I immediately tend to dislike anything she was wearing. Yesterday it was a below the knee black pencil skirt, an all over blue, white and green pattern -- very organic and not overbearing. The problem -- it was that stretchy almost hosery type material and had a demi-high neck.
And Ho-monid Maximus stayed true to form. Wearing painted on black tights as pants, hooker heels, and some kind of clingy black top that terminated that the waist line of the tights and pants. But the BEST was her accessory of choice. Some kind of red, patent leather, holster inspired creation. I only saw it from the back but it was made up of blood red, shiny "leather", about 3/4" wide straps. One down the center of her back, connected to a belt. I imagine there was a similar vertical strap going down the front providing a border between her warring boobs! Extremely similar to this accessory!!!!!! Gah!!! There's no limit to this womans endless parade of inappropriate work attire!!!