The Admin Diaries presents: A Post Devoted to Kate Winslet
Ok so remember this situation....?

We now have a view of the back. Which, despite the terrible pose she's caught in here, is an improvement from the front. Younger, at least. And I have to concede that I saw a shot of the shoes from the side and they looked Great! They still look terrible head-on.

And now it's time for, B*tch Stole My Celebrity vs Runway!

The object of our examination is this Stella McCartney F2011 dress, seen here on the runway. Obviously the fit is not great on this model...she's got a little Kardashian thing happening there.
We have Nicole Scherzinger wearing said dress on the cover of InStyle UK and Kate Winslet in Venice a couple days ago. I am not a fan of what's happening with this dress in the boob* area, but I must say that Kate is rocking it! This dress definitely needs some curves! On Nicole, it's looking a little sad. And can I say again how much better Kate looks with a fringe than with her hall all slicked back?!

(*I am never really a fan of a highlighted boob. But here, if that seam is supposed to sit UNDER the breasts....whose breasts are that high?? Ok, it only looks high up in Kate's version but I wonder why they did that)
The first picture I saw of this dress was at an angle, something like this:

...and it totally freaked me out. It looked like half her body was missing!
Looks like our thoughts on Kate Winslet's face are finally hitting others. Although they're not focusing on the weird pulling around the eyes. I feel a little bitter that they are going to get the credit for spotting this! Oh well...Let the debate rage!
See also:
lainey gossip
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