Thursday, 6 October 2011

"Can somebody tell me what kind of a world we live in, where a man dressed as a bat gets all my press? This town needs an enema!"

~~Jack Nicholson as the Joker, in Batman

And can someone else tell me what kind of a world we live in where this is considered chic?
It's ill fitting, the white completely washes her out and the weird cut outs and draping along with the polka dots?  It's too much!  However, it does qualify as a contestant in our latest game....

Who wears it better???

Emma Stone                                                                          ...... or this Dalmation?

EMMA STONE photo | Emma Stone   

Okay, I need to get off my can and do a spotlight on Evan Rachel Wood.  A lot of recent hits and almost as many misses. 
After seeing this latest offering I've concluded....she hired a new stylist who occassionally likes to make fun of her.  Ladies and gentlemen of the jury...Exhibit A:
EVAN RACHEL WOOD photo | Evan Rachel Wood   I rest my case.

 But if you're still not's an "orgy of evidence" (what?? I heard it in Minority Report!  Get your minds out of the gutter!)
evan rachel 2011 
evan rachel wood white suit 
Raise your hand if you like most of it but are still confused.

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