Tuesday, 10 January 2012

Are you crazy? Don't you understand what I'm saying to you? This is not just an odour-- you need a *priest* to get rid of this thing

~~ Jerry in Seinfeld

Back story: If you know me...you know I'm a sucker for a fart joke.  Yes...I know -- banal toilet humour --it's my Achilles heel.  I will, without fail, dissolve into histerics and weep at a good one.  Which is why this has to be, by far, my favourite episode of Seinfeld. 
We all say the same thing...Seinfeld is so funny, cuz it's so TRUE!  Who couldn't put themselves in any one of their insane situations.  Case in point -- about 6 or 7 years ago I had my own battle with sentient, overwhelming B.O. eminating from my co-worker.  It would linger.  I became paranoid that it would cling to me.  There were no windows in the immediate area so I would hide sachets of pot pourri everywhere and air wick air fresheners.
I had a huge bowl of cinnamon scented pot pourri in between our cubes once and dismissed it as "holiday decoration."  Everyone in the office would complain to me!  And it was a rather sudden occurrance too.  He didn't always smell.  I couldn't take it and one day talked to my manager and asked if he would find a time to approach my coworker and discuss it.  One day turned out to be a mere 5 minutes after I met with him.  Asshat! Like my coworker didn't know it was me who complained.  Anywho, he never said anything to me and one weekend later the stench was gone.

Why bring this up now?  Well turns out I have a present day variation on a theme.  A little piece I'd like to bring to the blog that I call...

Shiz my Officemate says!

Yesterday:  "In case you're cold I had the window open this morning.  I farted and it was so stinky I had to open the window.  It just kind of squeeked out you know.  I was hoping you wouldn't come in soon cuz I had to open the window wide and do this (arms flailing "blowing" the smell out).  It was really bad!"

*sigh*  I thanked her for telling me and for her effort in trying to alleviate the problem. Then I left the office.
Thank goodness I was an hour late for work. I dont' want to think about what would have happened had I been here.

Fast forward to this morning. 
Got into the office. 
Window was open.

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