My review:
Definitely worth the 1.5 hour wait in line to get into the theatre. I took in the regular viewing -- I hate the 3D glasses and I was not disappointed.
For me, comic junkie that I am, it started a bit slow. But in hindsight it made sense -- these are previously seen individual characters -- some assembly is required. So Joss Whedon took us through that (not so smooth process).
I was never a fan of Mark Ruffalo as the Hulk and given the two previous incarnations of the Hulk movies I didn't expect much of this character. For the part -- he was what he needed to be in this movie and a little bit more as I was pleasantly surprised.
Scarlett Johanssen as the Black Widow did what she needed to do -- which was be eye candy for the raging hormonal teenagers sitting beside me.
I was pleasantly surprised with Jeremy Renner as Hawkeye. In the Thor movie he got about 2 lines and 5 minutes. He was more prominent in this movie and really was able to bring the character to life.
Cobie Smulders as Maria Hill -- this was a really pointless character. Perhaps in the next movies we'll understand why she was introduced at all. She didn't add anything to the movie, but didn't detract either.
Clark Gregg was back as Agent Coulson and did not disappoint.
Tom Hiddleston as Loki -- was on point. And actually there is a key scene that kind of sums up his characters involvement which I now understand and can elaborate on after a certain person (Buffy) gets to see the movie.
RDJ -- what can I say -- stole the show!!! They could have called it Iron Man and Friends! It's not just the writing but its what he does with the character. There's got to be a lot of Tony Stark in RDJ because he plays this guy like a second skin. Serious when he needs to be and flippant all the time! :)
Chris Evans took a bit of a back seat in this movie -- good thing he had his own. I suppose in an ensemble movie you aren't really supposed to have an individual focus and this movie did a good job of spreading the love around to all the characters. He didn't detract from the movie, and added what Captain America needed to add. But I wasn't a fan of what they did with his costume.
And finally, to my husband, Chris Hemsworth as Thor. Shame on you for leaving your shirt on. And bravo for weilding that hammer like none could. Thor really got to let loose in this movie and I LOVED IT.
Samuel L. Jackson had some liners -- but I wish they had given him more to do. But then...he's not an Avenger so he really did need to take a backseat.
Over all: Do you need to be a fan boy/girl to see this movie? No...but it helps!
Did you need to see the other movies? No...but it helps, cuz it picks up right where Captain America left off without missing a beat.
Will you love this movie? If you're a human being -- YES!
Plus definitely stay to the absolute end of the credits when the lights come on. You won't be disappointed.
When I walked out of Captain America and stayed for the Avengers trailer at the very end I said that was the greatest extra I'd ever seen in a Marvel movie. Faithful reader...I was wrong. The Avengers extra is the greatest extra I've EVER seen in a Marvel movie. If you're a fanboy you'll know why -- and if you're not...I'll be thrilled to explain it to you!!!

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