So I went to put my lunch in the fridge and as I pulled out my lunch bag my makeup bag and cell phone tagged along for the ride and ended up falling smack in the the garbage pail beside the fridge. Mercifully, it was empty!
Since Christmas I've been waking up with a sore throat. I was assuming it was just a lack of humidity in the house (stupid broken furnace) but it would appear I've caught another cold. On the plus side I have just invented Lemon Flavoured Neo Citran with a hint of coffee aftertaste; courtesy of my travel mug. Patent Pending! up...the Paperweight-Gate
Honestly, this needs to become a soap opera or a short novel or something. How all these ridiculous events culminate in my losing my sanity and some sort of tragic hilarity ensues. I'm working on the details.
Just overheard the paperweight engage in a 30+ minute phone conversation with a colleague. What started as a tech support phone call became a 2012 family highlight reel featuring heavily on what I would consider extremely personal issues that are a) better not discussed at work b) better not discussed on the phone c) better not discussed on the phone at work when I'm on the other line trying to make a legitimate work call!!!!
We have a government health plan that covers therapy!!!! TRY IT!!!!!!
Hmmm....perhaps I should take my own advice.
After the better part of a year battling for higher access levels I finally managed to find the right person last year who changed my status on the spot!! I owe you from that thing, in the place, with the guy and I'll never forget it...whatever your name was!
Today after the endless automated loop that I navigated twice for over 20 minutes and kept kicking me back to the beginning instead of transferring me to a representative I got to my third live person who dared to ask...
"How is your day going?"
ME: *SNAP!* I've been navigating your automated service for the last 22 minutes and have been transferred by two other people over the last 18 minutes and 23 seconds's not going great!
Imagine this in a very froggy, deep, gravelly, bitchy voice -- so me -- only manlier!
She was quite quick to give me the direct phone and email address for our corporate reps so I no longer have to navigate the 1-800 automated system again! HUZZAH!!!
All this and it's not even noon yet people. And by people I mean person...since I've been checking the stats and no one has found this blog yet. And by person I mean Buffy get the notifications.
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