Thursday, 25 July 2013


~~ Homer Simpson

Kind of how I feel today.  I have been told I will be moving to a new shared space.  Had a great, open conversation with my new potential roommate -- however, I still have issues with sharing a space at all.  But...the paperweight has the A/C.  Essentially cooling the office to a temperature that is warmer than it actually is outside and there is a breeze coming in to the office so I have no idea what her reasoning is.
I think I'm going to hide the remote control tonight.

Friday, 12 July 2013

"Cuz I'm the Peculiar Purple Pie Man of Porcupine Peak! A rat-ta-ta-ta-ta-tah a-rat-ta-ta! "

~~ for all you Strawberry Shortcake fans out there!

Remember the Purple Pie Man had a cohort -- Sour Grapes?

Well...I just had to deal with an appropriate character here!

Rant On

SG: Remember those files that were returned. Do you have any of them? Are you sure you returned them?
Me: Yes
SG: Just to let you know off the record i got an email stating they can't be found
Me: I didn't keep them.  Perhaps they got mixed up with the other bundle. Why don't you reply to her and suggest she looks there.
SG: No I'm not going to do that...that's their problem. Let them figure it out.
Me (frustrated voice):  Ultimately, this could be the difference between resolution and a few million dollars cost to the organization.  You need to say something. Or tell her to contact me and give me a status update and I'll make the suggestion to her.  This has to be done!!
SG: Yeah I know...chuckle...I know...okay.  Okay I'll email her.

WTF??!!!   You're a supervisor you twit!!! This is your fault and your responsibility. It's been a non-stop shit storm since you decided you didn't want to do any work and pawned it all off on someone else!  Your lack of professionalism is going to tank this whole file!!!  What a clusterfu**!!!  I can't believe I need to deal with this nincompoop!

Rant Off

"Some days are like this.... Take what you need:"

~~Foip  (you know who you are!)

Today…I think I need Patience. 
You know what options you should have on there though

  • Vodka
  • Ear Muffs
  • Cone of Silence
  • Mild, Contagion that will allow you to stay home from work but be perfectly healthy for girls night that same day

 Ah Buffy…just a few more hours.  Since I’ve been floating since Monday’s news :) I’ve been a bit lax in my administration.  Fully intend to crank it out today!  Of course since Monday’s announcement the paperweight has been chattier.  And my ebullience (Google it people!) has made me chattier. So after wasting almost an hour talking with her on Wednesday -- she won't stop!  Shot myself in the foot I guess. 
Though really nothing can get me too down anymore this week!  Next week is a different story.

On another note...
I've noticed we have some viewers on our stats. Maybe not followers yet...but viewers.  So...if you're out there and you're reading I thought I'd ask a general question to all two of you.
As any good admin, you usually surround your desk with personal items.  Pictures of the kids, messages on sticky notes, perhaps a wall paper of your favourite star/starlet ... some thing or things that make you smile and keeps you going.  For me it's usually anything to do with Grumpy Cat (love that cat!)
Currently for's this:

Apology to my husband Mr. Hemsworth.  He knows I have a thing for super heroes...i'm sure he'll understand :P