Remember the Purple Pie Man had a cohort -- Sour Grapes?
Well...I just had to deal with an appropriate character here!
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SG: Remember those files that were returned. Do you have any of them? Are you sure you returned them?
Me: Yes
SG: Just to let you know off the record i got an email stating they can't be found
Me: I didn't keep them. Perhaps they got mixed up with the other bundle. Why don't you reply to her and suggest she looks there.
SG: No I'm not going to do that...that's their problem. Let them figure it out.
Me (frustrated voice): Ultimately, this could be the difference between resolution and a few million dollars cost to the organization. You need to say something. Or tell her to contact me and give me a status update and I'll make the suggestion to her. This has to be done!!
SG: Yeah I know...chuckle...I know...okay. Okay I'll email her.
WTF??!!! You're a supervisor you twit!!! This is your fault and your responsibility. It's been a non-stop shit storm since you decided you didn't want to do any work and pawned it all off on someone else! Your lack of professionalism is going to tank this whole file!!! What a clusterfu**!!! I can't believe I need to deal with this nincompoop!
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