Friday, 16 March 2012

Creepy Clipart:

Top 3 "Puppy" Clipart Creeps

Who doesn't need to clipart a puppy into an email every now and then? And oh dear...think of the children! Be on the lookout for these creepers that could pop up:

3. Ol' Skidmark

I don't know what this dog has been eating, but frankly he looks just as terrified of what's trailing behind him as I am! I recently saw a Mythbusters episode that involved "blue ice" - does this have something to do with that?

2. Oh it's so...cuddly?

In what universe is this a puppy? Did it eat the puppy? Did clipart's 3 year old draw this and insist this was a puppy, so clipart said, "Oh nooow I see it. It's a puppy!"?

1. Puppy Love

Is this what Donnie Osmond was singing about? I feel compelled to avert my eyes. I get it, they're "playing" but..well... I feel a little dirty.

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