Thursday, 15 March 2012

Is it weird in here, or is it just me?

~~ Steven Wright (comedian)

Well less than 3 hours into today and it is already off to an interesting start! Let's have a recap:

  • HOminus maximus sighting - the first in months! And by maximus I mean the height on her hair. Certainly not the size of her clothing. All of our theories of her being hidden away and cleaning up her act - being in HOminus rehab, if you will - definitely missed the mark!

  • Help! "I dropped my keys down the elevator shaft and I'm not sure who to call". Now THAT is a shitty start to your day. Not even 9:00 am? GO BACK HOME. No good can come of a start like that.
  • Officemate Appropriate? Officemate is wearing relatively appropriate attire today and a pretty cool necklace. I feel compelled to shower her with compliments for positive reinforcement...kind of like training a puppy!

  • Coworker from Space - yes, I have come to the conclusion that my coworker is not of this planet. He can't possibly be. Today's evidence: coworker is on vacation. Texts me that he needs a file off a USB key in his desktop - the USB that our students just borrowed to work in the library. I track said students down, run back to grab the file. What was so urgent? A F&^#*@! MARCH MADNESS BRACKET. Are you kidding me? Guess what I am NOT sending anytime soon. I swear he thinks I'm his personal assistant.

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