Yes ladies and gentlemen...from the mind that brought you "Is tuna fish or chicken?" comes the latest Hollyweird baby name for her impending BIG bundle of joy....wait for it.....Maxwell.
That's right...The Simpleton has decided to name her daughter Maxwell. Because it's a name with meaning -- her fiancee's middlename is Maxwell and his mother's maiden name is Maxwell.
I really hope this insider who blabbed to InTouch Weekly was joking and just threw this out there to confuse everyone. Or I hope that if it is true that they see all the rebuttals to this horrible name choice and rethink their decision.
GREAT SCOTT SHE'S MASSIVE!!! Is that a moon taking up synchronous orbit around her belly?
Did I mention the informant also said they plan on calling her...ahem....Maxi for short? problems there. Can't see anything wrong with that. In fact here are some other famous Maxi's she'll be joining the ranks of....
The Maxi Dress
Maxi Priest

This French magazine
What?? Yeah you thought I was going for the obvious comparison didn't you. It's just too damn easy!!
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