Thursday, 22 March 2012

"I've looked into the reset button...the physics are impossible"

~~ Megamind inpersonating Bernard, the Metroman Museum Curator

That quote is a shout out to Buffy who's having an actual, honest to goodness, WORK day.  Boooo!
Cheer up Buffy..tomorrow's Friday!

I decided to make a solo mission to to see what I could see...and I have seen enough to know that I have seen too much.

Let's start with my latest hate-on: Katy Perry.  ENOUGH WITH THE BLUE ALREADY!!!
KATY PERRY photo | Katy Perry
She was quoted as saying she was attempting to tone down her usual out there looks out of respect for Paris Fashion Week.  Uh huh.  This photo was taken...IN PARIS!!! So what's her excuse for this??

 Mischa Barton:  Just when you think the crazy is finally over....
 MISCHA BARTON photo | Mischa Barton

 Watch out Kate almost cracked a smile in this photo and lost the scowl.  I almost didn't recognize you!
KATE MARA photo | Kate Mara

Ahhh....that's better

Friday, 16 March 2012

Creepy Clipart:

Top 3 "Puppy" Clipart Creeps

Who doesn't need to clipart a puppy into an email every now and then? And oh dear...think of the children! Be on the lookout for these creepers that could pop up:

3. Ol' Skidmark

I don't know what this dog has been eating, but frankly he looks just as terrified of what's trailing behind him as I am! I recently saw a Mythbusters episode that involved "blue ice" - does this have something to do with that?

2. Oh it's so...cuddly?

In what universe is this a puppy? Did it eat the puppy? Did clipart's 3 year old draw this and insist this was a puppy, so clipart said, "Oh nooow I see it. It's a puppy!"?

1. Puppy Love

Is this what Donnie Osmond was singing about? I feel compelled to avert my eyes. I get it, they're "playing" but..well... I feel a little dirty.

Thursday, 15 March 2012

Is it weird in here, or is it just me?

~~ Steven Wright (comedian)

Well less than 3 hours into today and it is already off to an interesting start! Let's have a recap:

  • HOminus maximus sighting - the first in months! And by maximus I mean the height on her hair. Certainly not the size of her clothing. All of our theories of her being hidden away and cleaning up her act - being in HOminus rehab, if you will - definitely missed the mark!

  • Help! "I dropped my keys down the elevator shaft and I'm not sure who to call". Now THAT is a shitty start to your day. Not even 9:00 am? GO BACK HOME. No good can come of a start like that.
  • Officemate Appropriate? Officemate is wearing relatively appropriate attire today and a pretty cool necklace. I feel compelled to shower her with compliments for positive reinforcement...kind of like training a puppy!

  • Coworker from Space - yes, I have come to the conclusion that my coworker is not of this planet. He can't possibly be. Today's evidence: coworker is on vacation. Texts me that he needs a file off a USB key in his desktop - the USB that our students just borrowed to work in the library. I track said students down, run back to grab the file. What was so urgent? A F&^#*@! MARCH MADNESS BRACKET. Are you kidding me? Guess what I am NOT sending anytime soon. I swear he thinks I'm his personal assistant.

Wednesday, 14 March 2012

"Is this chicken or fish I'm eating?...I know its tuna but why do they call it chicken in the sea?"

Jessica Simpson to Nick Lachey in Newlyweds

Yes ladies and gentlemen...from the mind that brought you "Is tuna fish or chicken?" comes the latest Hollyweird baby name for her impending BIG bundle of joy....wait for it.....Maxwell.
That's right...The Simpleton has decided to name her daughter Maxwell.  Because it's a name with meaning -- her fiancee's middlename is Maxwell and his mother's maiden name is Maxwell.
I really hope this insider who blabbed to InTouch Weekly was joking and just threw this out there to confuse everyone.  Or I hope that if it is true that they see all the rebuttals to this horrible name choice and rethink their decision.
Michael Rozman/Warner Bros.
GREAT SCOTT SHE'S MASSIVE!!!  Is that a moon taking up synchronous orbit around her belly?

Did I mention the informant also said they plan on calling her...ahem....Maxi for short? problems there.  Can't see anything wrong with that.  In fact here are some other famous Maxi's she'll be joining the ranks of....

The Maxi Dress
Maxi Dress

Maxi Priest

This French magazine

What??  Yeah you thought I was going for the obvious comparison didn't you.  It's just too damn easy!!

Tuesday, 13 March 2012

"Neytiri calls me skxawng. It means 'moron' "

~~ Sam Worthington as Jake Sully in Avatar.

I may be on vacay, but I'm still valiantly trolling my sites for more fodder. 
It occurs to me gentle reader that, March Break for the rich and famous translates into March Break From My Sanity/Dignity/Fashion Sense for some.

Take a look at Katy Perry in this latest gem.  I need her to brush up on her Na'vi so she can get my quote.  Here's looking at you -- skxawng!

Prada bag, dress and shoes -- okay we get it -- you like Prada.  Though she was wearing all this at the Miu Miu show so... FU Miu Miu (ahhh...rhyming!)

And I'd like to spend a few minutes commenting on her hair -- especially since she is constantly wearing something blue, to insist to the world that it was not just a stunt to divert everyone from discussing her failed marriage.

Remember when it kept getting lighter and lighter towards the end of her marriage -- like she had ditched the black and was trying to get back to her natural blonde?  Then inexplicably she jumped to pink but it looked gawd awful!  I get the feeling the hair colour change was not entirely her idea (Russell), and when her marriage ended she went to a bitter place and decided to send a big FU out to someone (Russell), but she didn't think it through and now she's kind of trapped in maintaining the whole thing like she still thinks it was a brilliant idea (fake ass blue ponytail with almost black roots).

Okay so, can someone tell me what happened to Megan Fox -- her face and her fashion sensibilities.

I don't entirely love the nude dress and pumps but I think finding a shoe for this neutral would have been difficult so I'll let it slide. The dress is pretty and sparkly and I love the silhouette -- just not for her.  She's young, she's hot, she should work that before it all fades.  I guess she's trying to restart her career as a serious actor as opposed to eye candy, but I don't think I'd believe it if I saw her rubbing elbows with Natalie Portman, Meryl Streep and Dame Judi Dench. 
I like to keep the shameless, skin peddling sex pots together the same way I like to sort my crayons by colour in the box.

Egads Julianne Moore!!  It's like she's challenging me to hate this look with her facial expression.  And I never back down from a challenge! This look is ghastly! What is it with her and these schizophrenic dresses? I want velvet! I want sheen!  I want wrinkly, ill fitting, boobage!  I want green! She should listen to just one of her voices and pick ONE dress -- not a dress mash up!

Wednesday, 7 March 2012

Lise, when you get a little older, you'll learn that Friday is just another day between NBC's "Must See Thursday" and CBS' "Saturday night craporama".

~~ Bart Simpson

It's been a while since I've had to last more than one day in a row without my companion. Here's hoping Mrs. Hemsworth gets well soon!

First, a couple of workplace updates. It seems they are trying to correct the "other" stinky stariwell. Some sort of weird contraptions are up. May require investigation. I have remained mostly in my office, but I am still surprised not to have seen Degrassi at all this week. Her male companion seems to be a new regular on the 7:30am commute. Professor Wigglebottom has made several appearances - including on the 5th floor where he was promptly snubbed. Hah! Take that!

Ok on to the good stuff. After trolling the day's pics I came across this and had to do a double take. Is this Whitney Port looking presentable? A little glam even??

But of course it couldn't be that simple. Shortly thereafter I came across a head-on shot....

Yeah, that's more like it.

So is Rose Byrne playing Anna Wintour for her next role? Cuz....

Oh and the role of Anna's grandmother is being played by Rose's Bridesmaids co-star Kristen Wiig...

Question: Did I miss the arrival of some granny sweater trend? Because i'm not sure this over-the-shoulder look on both ladies is a coincidence. At gofugyourself they are attributing it to Gwyneth's Oscar cape. Could be...

And for no good reason other than it's kinda cool and creepy at the same time, watch this: