~~ Sam Worthington as Jake Sully in Avatar.
I may be on vacay, but I'm still valiantly trolling my sites for more fodder.
It occurs to me gentle reader that, March Break for the rich and famous translates into
March Break From My Sanity/Dignity/Fashion Sense for some.
Take a look at
Katy Perry in this latest gem. I need her to brush up on her Na'vi so she can get my quote. Here's looking at you --

Prada bag, dress and shoes -- okay we get it -- you like Prada. Though she was wearing all this at the Miu Miu show so... FU Miu Miu (ahhh...rhyming!)
And I'd like to spend a few minutes commenting on her hair -- especially since she is constantly wearing something blue, to insist to the world that it was not just a stunt to divert everyone from discussing her failed marriage.
Remember when it kept getting lighter and lighter towards the end of her marriage -- like she had ditched the black and was trying to get back to her natural blonde? Then inexplicably she jumped to pink but it looked gawd awful! I get the feeling the hair colour change was not entirely her idea (Russell), and when her marriage ended she went to a bitter place and decided to send a big FU out to someone (Russell), but she didn't think it through and now she's kind of trapped in maintaining the whole thing like she still thinks it was a brilliant idea (fake ass blue ponytail with almost black roots).
Okay so, can someone tell me what happened to
Megan Fox -- her face and her fashion sensibilities.

I don't entirely love the nude dress and pumps but I think finding a shoe for this neutral would have been difficult so I'll let it slide. The dress is pretty and sparkly and I love the silhouette -- just not for her. She's young, she's hot, she should work that before it all fades. I guess she's trying to restart her career as a serious actor as opposed to eye candy, but I don't think I'd believe it if I saw her rubbing elbows with Natalie Portman, Meryl Streep and Dame Judi Dench.
I like to keep the shameless, skin peddling sex pots together the same way I like to sort my crayons by colour in the box.
Julianne Moore!! It's like she's challenging me to hate this look with her facial expression. And I never back down from a challenge! This look is ghastly! What is it with her and these schizophrenic dresses? I want velvet! I want sheen! I want wrinkly, ill fitting, boobage! I want green! She should listen to just one of her voices and pick ONE dress -- not a dress mash up!